
When Rebecca Jester, 45, got sick for more than a year, she worried how long she would live in pain. “I couldn’t get out of bed,” she explains. “I was so tired. My feet hurt. I hated to put my feet on the floor. It hurt to walk, hurt to move. I thought I had something really bad.” When she went to doctors for help, Rebecca says everyone was baffled at what to do for her. “I couldn’t get anyone to help me.” Then she remembered Utica Park Clinic family physician, Dr. George Pendell. Rebecca had worked in Dr. Pendell’s office previously as a registered medical assistant. “If anyone could... Read More »

Every 19 minutes a man in the United States dies from prostate cancer. More than 8,000 cases of testicular cancer are diagnosed each year in our country and depression rates are highest among men between the ages of 40 and 59. However, men are 80 percent less likely to go to the doctor’s office than women when something might be wrong.  In an effort to bring more awareness to men’s health and start the conversation, Utica Park Clinic urologist Dr. Dae Yun Kim participates each year in Movember, also known as “No-Shave November.” He hopes when his once clean-shaven face in October gives way... Read More »

When Dr. Gary Steinbrook began practicing medicine 26 years ago in Claremore, he knew he wanted to help people. “My wife and I wanted to establish our family and my practice where we could be part of a community,” shares the family physician. “Dr. Steinbrook has taken care of me, my friends and my family,” adds Dr. Keith Miles of growing up in Claremore and seeing Dr. Steinbrook for everything from sprained ankles to strep throat. “He is the all-around physician that you look for.” It turns out, Dr. Steinbrook was also just the person when Dr. Miles, then a Claremore Sequoyah High School... Read More »

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends anyone six months or older receive a flu shot. However, people with severe life-threatening allergic reactions to the flu shot should not receive the vaccine. There are different flu shots for people of different ages and flu shots approved for pregnant women and those with chronic health conditions. It is especially important for anyone with a high risk of complications from the flu to get a flu shot each year. How do you know if you’re high risk? Here’s a brief overview:


Children five years old and... Read More »

That is a pretty bold question and one that does not necessarily have one right answer, but many. As September is Healthy Aging Month, we wanted to address the topic many of us, admittedly, avoid talking about throughout the year – aging. Although we celebrate birthdays with family and friends, when we really think about getting older, we tend to think about the potential negative aspects, especially when it comes to health. However, the mission of Healthy Aging Month is to bring national attention to the positive aspects of aging by looking at what we can do to have more responsibility... Read More »

In as many as 30 states throughout the United States, head lice are becoming an unwanted back to school accessory for many children, parents and schools and an even bigger problem than last year. As many as 12 million children are affected each year. Utica Park Clinic physician Dr. Geeta Silas says it is more of an inconvenience when heading back into the classroom than a major health concern. “Head lice are not known to spread any diseases or cause any serious health problems,” she adds. “It is pure annoyance - lots of itching on the scalp, behind the ears, around the hairline, and the... Read More »

When Stanley Brown and his family moved to Tulsa from Houston, TX more than 20 years ago, he made a life-saving decision without realizing it at the time. He met Dr. Christopher Hunter at Utica Park Clinic – Broken Arrow South. The avid softball player and sports enthusiast was often in the clinic for a broken hand or ankle sprain – not anything you would qualify as a chronic health condition, but Stanley’s  frequent visits provided the two an opportunity to get to know each other. “Over the years, we’ve become friends more than just doctor and patient,” Stanley explains. “It’s really a... Read More »

Parents, you may be thinking about getting back into the early morning routine or shopping for school supplies, while your child is thinking about which friends are in class with them this year, but the start of a new school year is also the time you want to think about annual checkups and sports physicals. This is a good opportunity to discuss preventative measures with your child’s pediatrician, as well as manage pre-existing conditions like asthma or allergies. Additionally, parents need to understand if there are any changes that should be taking place this year with regards to their... Read More »

We’re not getting any younger. It is something we celebrate with candles and cake each passing year, but in reality, many of us dread the idea of aging. We don’t want to look older and we certainly don’t want to feel older. Of the 75 million Baby Boomers, every day thousands are literally blowing out the candles on their 50th birthday. The anti-aging industry is also celebrating – as an estimated $12 billion is spent annually on products claiming to make us look and feel younger. However, aging is not just skin deep. As a new study finds, how quickly we age can affect our health later in... Read More »

Warmer weather calls many people to the water - whether that be to area lakes, rivers or pools. With more splashing, catching rays and fun in the sun, summer is also a high time for drowning. Fortunately, the latest research shows the number of drowning deaths is falling, but not for all age groups. Help keep you and your family safe this summer season, while also enjoying the warmer weather and time outdoors.

Latest Drowning Numbers

In a recent government report, researchers looked at data on drowning deaths from 1999 through 2010. They then studied the data to see what kind... Read More »