The Conversation Project is a public engagement campaign advocating “kitchen table” conversations with family and friends about wishes for end-of-life care. It is a public engagement campaign with a goal that is both simple and transformative: to have every person’s end-of-life wishes expressed and respected.
Too many people die in a manner they would not choose, so The Conversation Project offers people the tools, guidance and resources they need to begin talking with their loved ones about their wishes and preferences.
The Conversation Project is not about promoting any specific preference for end-of-life care. Instead, it seeks to encourage and support people in expressing their end-of-life wishes for care.*
The conversation is not an easy one to have, but the following tools can help you get started.
- The Conversation Project Starter Kit
- Your Right to Decide - Oklahoma's Advance Directive & Other Healthcare Planning Tools
- ABC World News with Diane Sawyer: The Conversation Project
You can call the Utica Park Clinic Wellness Point at 918-579-5500 to schdule an appointment with one of our social workers. In addition, the Wellness Point offers classes on advance care planning and more. Click here to learn more.
* Source: ihi.org (Institute for Healthcare Improvement)
Home Health
Caring Connections, a program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, is a national consumer and community engagement initiative to improve care at the end of life.
MyDirectives allows you to create and update your advance medical directive. Documents are stored in a secure database that is available to you and your medical treatment providers (usually emergency first responders, hospital admissions staff, emergency room nurses, and doctors) 24 hours a day.
The National POLST (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) Paradigm is an approach to end-of-life planning based on conversations between patients, loved ones, and health care professionals designed to ensure that seriously ill or frail patients can choose the treatments they want or do not want and that their wishes are documented and honored.