
Epilepsy 101 by Alok Pasricha, M.D.

Epilepsy is a central nervous system (neurological) disorder defined by unprovoked and recurrent seizures. Seizures are abnormal, uncontrolled electrical activity of the brain causing a sudden change in behavior, sensations and sometimes a loss of awareness. Epilepsy and seizures can affect anyone. There are 3.4 million people in the United States that have epilepsy and 1 in 26 will develop this condition in their lifetime.

Dr. Hannah Howard's Year-Round Skincare Tips

By Hannah Howard, M.D., Utica Park Clinic Dermatologist


Our skin is our largest organ, protecting everything inside our bodies. It is the body’s first line of defense against things like bacteria or viruses, extremes in temperature and other harmful substances. It’s important to keep our skin healthy so it can do its job!

Good skin care habits and a healthy lifestyle will keep this important part of your body healthy and looking great. 


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): What to know

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a group of progressive lung diseases that can make it difficult to breathe. More than 15.3 million people in the United States suffer from COPD, according to the American Lung Association.

“The airways become narrowed and damaged, leading to shortness of breath,” said Michelle Peters, APRN-DNP, with the COPD Center at Utica Park Clinic.

COPD can cause a variety of symptoms, including shortness of breath, wheezing, a long-lasting cough that produces phlegm, increased fatigue and tightness in the chest.

Dementia Q&A with Geriatric Specialist Aimee Musgrove, APRN-CNP

Dementia can be a topic that people try to avoid, but learning about dementia’s symptoms and stages can help you and your loved ones prepare and find the right care. Aimee Musgrove, APRN-CNP, at Utica Park Clinic in Bixby answers a few of the big questions regarding dementia, including symptoms, testing, stages and care.


What are the first signs/symptoms of dementia?

A Motivating Movember

Utica Park Clinic marketing coordinator, Dave Dallow, started talking to the Hillcrest HealthCare System marketing department about Movember months ahead of time. Truth be told, he was likely thinking about it well before then. Throughout the year, Dave coordinates and strategizes the marketing of Utica Park Clinic health care services and providers available to patients throughout northeastern Oklahoma. Participating in Movember is a perfect fit for that plan during the month of November, when beards and mustaches are grown in support of raising awareness for men’s health.

Sunscreen: Where You Might be Missing

The dog days of summer are upon us, and by now nearly everyone has heard the recommendation to apply sunscreen before heading outdoors. Our faces, arms and legs typically receive the most attention for sunscreen, but one place that we need to be mindful of is our hands. Hands are vulnerable to the sun in a variety of ways each day; walking outside and even gripping the steering wheel in the car exposes them to UV rays. These rays can age and damage skin and hands which commonly go without sunscreen.

Urgent Care or Emergency Room – What’s the Difference?

When needing medical attention, sometimes it is not always clear where to go to receive it. There are many factors to consider depending on the situation, such as severity of condition or injury, what time of day the medical attention is needed or type of medical coverage. For example, the best choice might be to go to your primary care physician, an urgent care center or the closest emergency room.