Oklahoma Winter Weather Preparation Guide

It’s that time of the year again for cold temperatures and frosty weather. Winter is well on its way to Oklahoma.

While winter holidays keep our hearts warm, the weather can have the opposite effect on our homes, vehicles, and bodies. If we're not prepared, such weather can put us at a higher risk for injuries and illnesses. According to the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH), proper and early planning is the key to staying healthy and safe during this winter weather season.

As we make preparations for what could be dangerously low temperatures, it is necessary for us to consider our personal and family’s well-being, and also the care of our homes and automobiles. Making certain that we take a few well thought out precautions can help prevent and reduce potential wintertime blues.

Here are some important tips to consider as you get ready for winter weather:

Staying warm

  • Infants should be dressed in warm clothing such as footed pajamas rather than wrapped in blankets.
  • Older adults should also dress in warmer clothing and stay in properly heated settings.
  • Wear multiple layers of clothing in addition to a hat, scarf, mittens, a water-resistant jacket, and boots.

Home safety

  • When heating your home with a fireplace, space heater or a wood stove, be sure there is proper venting.
  • Do not operate generators inside your home, basement, garage, or near windows.
  • Install a battery-operated carbon monoxide detector in an area where you can hear it while sleeping.
  • Develop a plan if essential household utilities, such as electricity, water, and gas are interrupted for long periods of time.
  • Have sand or ice salt available to cover outdoor walkways.

Vehicles and travel

  • Always inform someone when you are traveling in severe weather.
  • Try to keep a full gas tank in case of an emergency.
  •  In the event that you become stranded, have emergency items available, such as blankets, food and water, a flashlight and extra batteries, portable phone charger, car jumper cables and spare tire supplies.

Keep you and your family safe this winter and start preparing now.  Be sure to stay up-to-date with local and regional winter weather forecasts and advisories. For more information on winter weather safety precautions, click here.