Milestones with Dr. Miles

Hidden Causes of Blood Pressure

Are you worried about your blood pressure? How often do you even think about it? You may have heard that high blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease, stroke and kidney disease, but what exactly does “high” mean? According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) an estimated 70 million Americans have high blood pressure. That’s one out of every three adults. There are typically no symptoms of high blood pressure. Dr.

How to Treat Allergy Symptoms

Do you suffer from allergies? In Oklahoma, allergies to grass, weeds, trees and mold can make spring a miserable time of year for many people, despite the beauty of blooming flowers and welcomed warmer temperatures. Utica Park Clinic family medicine physician, Dr. Keith Miles, shares what he suggests for not only his patient, but his own family to reduce allergy symptoms.