Family Health

Pulmonology/Critical Care

The pulmonologists at Utica Park Clinic (UPC) provide specialized care for diseases of the lung. This medically advanced treatment can help diagnose and treat patients 18 years and older who are experiencing problems with their lungs or bronchial tubes.

Palliative Care

Supportive, or palliative, care is care aimed at comfort versus cure and treatment. The decision to accept palliative care versus aggressive treatment is often a decision parents struggle with. It is an acceptance of a poor prognosis and an opportunity to provide a very special kind of care to a loved one. The dying process requires as much care and respect as the other stages in life. It is only through this care and respect that parents can truly "be there" for their child.

Orthopedic Care

Is bone and joint pain making your daily routine more difficult? There’s a treatment option for you here.

Utica Park Clinic, part of Hillcrest HealthCare System, offers a variety of treatments that share the same goals: to reduce your pain and restore your mobility. Our breadth of orthopedic care can address any level of pain from moderate to severe.


The neurologists at Utica Park Clinic (UPC) diagnose and treat diseases of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), peripheral nervous system (sensory and motor nerves in the face, body, arms and legs), and autonomic nervous system (sensory and motor nerves regulating various organs in the body and such processes as sweating and sexual arousal) for patients ages 18 and older.

Oncology & Hematology

Oncology is the branch of medicine concerning the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Significant progress has been made in the past decade in the treatment and prognosis of many cancers for people of all ages, and our team is continuously expanding their education and knowledge base to provide you with the best treatment possible.

Make an appointment with one of our specialists by calling:

Internal Medicine

Utica Park Clinic internal medicine physicians – or, internists – are specialists who are highly trained to treat adult patients across the medical spectrum. Generally, they see patients who are age 18 and above, but that can vary by physician. They provide complete, compassionate care for adults, from helping patients maintain optimal health to diagnosing and treating complex medical conditions. They are dedicated to their patients’ mental and physical health, ensuring high quality care.



The endocrine system is a complex collection of hormone-producing glands that control basic body functions such as metabolism, growth and sexual development. An Endocrinologist is a specialist in diagnosis and treatment relating to how hormones affect the human body.

The amount of hormones produced by each gland is carefully balanced. Too much or too little of a certain hormone can have effects throughout the body and cause various endocrine disorders. Many of the hormones produced by the endocrine glands interact with each other to maintain this delicate balance.